CoVID-19 | Rosemary TreatmentPossibly the best and most effective thing you can get right now is ROSEMARY
Rosemary contains many compounds that may prove to be highly effective against the CoVID-19. Some are water-soluble and some are only soluble in high content ethanol, so you will want to take tincture as well as drinking cups of tea. This page contains all the information you ever wanted to know about Rosemary, including which compounds do what and how to extract them. See below for vital information on extraction precesses... |
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CoVID-19 | Rosemary Benefits
Slowing the rate of viral replication is the first job while controlling the inflammatory systems overreaction and preventing the Cytokine Storm is the second. Remember it is the cytokine storm and mast cell degranulation that causes permanent damage to vital organs or death by Pneumonia.
- Methyl Rosemarinate & Betulinic acid lower the virus replication rate by acting as a 3CL protease cleaver.
- Rosemary contains many other compounds that are anti-inflammatory / anti-oxidant.
We are only listing the ones mentioned in scientific papers that have been shown to help in this situation. - The other benefits of rosemary include E.M.F protection, strengthening epithelial cell membranes and fighting cancer.
CoVID-19 | Rosemary Compounds
Compound |
Action |
Solubility |
Methyl Rosemarinate |
Viral replication #1 3CL Cleaver |
? |
Betulinic acid |
Viral Replication #2 3CL Cleaver |
95 - 99% Ethanol |
Oleanolic acid |
Anti-inflammatory & Mast Cell support |
95 - 99% Ethanol |
Ursolic acid |
Anti-inflammatory & Mast Cell support |
95 - 99% Ethanol |
Rosmarinic acid |
Anti-inflammatory & Mast Cell support |
Water + Ethanol |
Caffeic acid |
Anti-inflammatory & Mast Cell support |
Water + Ethanol |
Luteolin |
Anti-inflammatory & Mast Cell support |
? |
There are many other useful compounds in Rosemary, at least 34 have been identified to date with more being added all the time.
Some are water-soluble while others are only soluble in pure ethanol and some require a bit of both. A quick search online tells one that most of what we want will be in a tincture but a very detailed analysis of extraction processes revealed that.
Some are water-soluble while others are only soluble in pure ethanol and some require a bit of both. A quick search online tells one that most of what we want will be in a tincture but a very detailed analysis of extraction processes revealed that.
- You can make a tincture with a 50 : 50 Water / Ethanol mix like vodka, but you won't extract the Betulinic acid.
- Making a Tea with raw plants mass will only extract a little of the anti-inflammatory / Anti-oxidant compounds.
Caffeic & Rosmarinic Acid.
Rosmarinic acid is one of the phenolic acids and is one of the major Caffeic acid derivatives. (Meaning it is made from)
Caffeic acid (3,4-dihydroxy cinnamic acid (CA)) is naturally found in coffee, fruits, vegetables and olive oil. It exhibits antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative properties. Caffeic acid has been reported to possess antioxidant property when interacting with normal cells and pro-oxidant property in cancer cells. (Oxidizes cancer cells) In our case, we are interested in this class of compounds ability to inhibit inflammation and mast cell degranulation. |
When looking at several papers about extracting compounds form plant mass, Rosmarinic acid is often used as the base line compound to asses the effectiveness of a process at extracting phenolic acids.
This set of compounds is supposedly water-soluble, but 100% water is unable to extract it. To do that one needs to add ethanol or to conduct some other pre-extraction process. As the Rosmarinic acid content goes up so does the total Phenolic acid content and overall antioxidant value. As dedicated papers covering each compound are unavailable we will have to use this established practice as well. |
Beutlinic, Oleanolic & Ursolonic Acid
These three compounds can only be extracted into pure Ethanol.
Vodka, being roughly equivalent to a 50 : 50 Ethanol / Water mixture, is simply not going to extract them.
Pre-processing the plant mass does not change this, but is does massively increase the yield.
Vodka, being roughly equivalent to a 50 : 50 Ethanol / Water mixture, is simply not going to extract them.
Pre-processing the plant mass does not change this, but is does massively increase the yield.
Rosemary | Preparation / Extraction.
Grind your plant mass into a powder and pass through a fine sieve.
This makes it much easier to do the extraction and will make you tincture or tea 3 or 4 times more potent.
When making tincture use pure ethanol for the initial extraction.
To make antioxidant Tea.
This makes it much easier to do the extraction and will make you tincture or tea 3 or 4 times more potent.
When making tincture use pure ethanol for the initial extraction.
- Using a 1:3 volume to volume ratio.
1 part grounds leaves : 3 parts 95% ethanol.
Warm the mix to 40C by standing your preparation jar in a pan of warm water.
Keep stirring the warm tincture from time to time over the next for 4 or 5 hours. - Allow the mixture to cool overnight and then strained off your tincture. (This is too strong to use and must be diluted)
Dilute by half using water and a little Glycerine. (2 parts water and 1 part Glycerine)
This must be added very slowly over an hour, otherwise the Betulinic acid will precipitate out of solution.
You now have a 50% ethanol / water-based tincture of Rosemary.
This is as good as you're going to get, without using advanced processes or equipment.
To make antioxidant Tea.
- Start with 5 - 6 grams of finely ground rosemary leaf powder.
Put this into a small glass and add a shot of vodka or other 40 - 50 % ethanol mix.
Leave for 1 hour for the alcohol to begin the extraction process.
Without the ethanol / vodka step you will be unable to extract the antioxidants. - Transfer this presoaked material into a source pan and add 1 Lt of water.
Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 15 - 20 min or until 1/2 of the liquid has evaporated.
Allow too cool and then strain off the plant mass. (Pass through a coffee filter) - Drink One cup (100ml) of tea 2 or 3 times per day.
You may want to combine other plants into your tea, ginger and liquorice are very beneficial.
Rosemary | Safety Assessment.
LD50 & Maximum Intake
The LD50 of rosemary is 2g/Kg of body weight. (At 70 kg one could consume 70x2 = 140g/day)
I like to stay well under the LD50 for any given compound or material, especially if taking something for an extended period of time. Lets half the LD50 = (A person weighing 70Kg could consume a maximum of 40 - 100g per day)
I like to stay well under the LD50 for any given compound or material, especially if taking something for an extended period of time. Lets half the LD50 = (A person weighing 70Kg could consume a maximum of 40 - 100g per day)
- 40 grams of rosemary is a massive pile.
You would have to drink a whole bottle of Tincture or a bath tub full of Tea to get that much.
It is virtually impossible to take so much rosemary that you will have a problem with it.
Counter Indications
The only counter indicator is that in extremely rare cases, excessively high doses have been known to cause, or more likely promote, seizures in children or people prone to epilepsy. If you are pregnant it may be risky to take large doses of rosemary but the same can likely be said of any medication.
Drug Interactions
- Rosemary has no known severe interactions with other drugs.
- Rosemary has no known serious interactions with other drugs.
- Rosemary has no known moderate interactions with other drugs.
- Rosemary has no known mild interactions with other drugs.
This information does not encompass every possible interactions or adverse effects. If you are taking a lot of medication you should consult your doctor or pharmacist for any possibly interactions with other medications you are using.
Keep a record of how much rosemary you are taking and how it was prepared.
Share this information with your doctor or pharmacist as they may need that information to help you or other people.
Share this information with your doctor or pharmacist as they may need that information to help you or other people.