Sustainable Agriculture Conference | Fuerteventura 2020.
Join us on February the 7th, 8th & 9th to meet our experts in sustainable agriculture.
Our vision for the future of agriculture.
Food is grown locally.
Shipping food around the world adds to the CO2 costs of farming and sends our money abroad.
Local production and sales keeps money in the local economy, while lowering the environmental impact of farming.
Bio dynamic farming instead of poisonous chemicals.
Chemical-based farming is leading to soil degradation, bio diversity collapse, failing harvests and an incalculable cost to the public health. The nutritional value of our food has fallen so low it is no longer worth eating and it is so contaminated with toxic chemicals that many farmers don't eat their produce. Organically grown food has up to 40% more nutritional value and it won't poison you while you eat your dinner. If you work on a farm and are regularly exposed to poisons, how long do you think you and your family will live?
Monoculture fields or high diversity intercropping plantations.
Imagine how life would be if one could produce 2 or 3 times more crops from the same area of land with little to no extra work.
Plants are not designed to grow in isolated pockets, they grow best with the right company. There is a complex web of interactions between different plant spices and soi microbes, without that interconnection nothing grows properly.
Bio Dynamic farmers don't focus on producing crops, they only need to focus on maintaining the best quality soil.
Bulk production from large commercial farms is supplemented up by networked micro farming.
Producing food at home or in allotments can be highly productive. Why buy a lettuce from the store that will go bad in a few days when you could pick them fresh from your garden every day. doing this as part of a network makes this concept highly effective.
Event Line Up.
Day 1 / 10:00 - 11:00
Introduction to the Vitalis Foundation
11:00 - 12:00 Techniques for sustainable farming Permaculture & Agroforestry part 1 Introduction to these topics and examples of projects around the world enabled by and other members of our team. Afternoon 1pm till end of day Katja Wiese / The farming industry 2021 Discussion and open workshop. As the EU moves toward its new sustainable agriculture goals there will be changes in grant funding. are currently surveying farming communities across Europe and will be lobbying the EU commission for a fairer deal for small farmers. Now is the time to have you're say about how the proposed changes will affect your business. |
Day 2 / 10:00 - 12:00
Permaculture and Agroforestry part 2
Hamburg University / TUHH
Afternoon 1pm Organic farming in the real world Learn from the experiences of commercial farmers who use Organic or bio-dynamic techniques in Europe. 2pm Vitalis local projects Production of high nutrient animal feed, using ancient grains and aquatic plants... 3pm Projects & Opportunities Options for collaboration with us in future projects we have planned. 4pm Vitalis Foundations Products The latest innovations in agriculture
Spanish Version
Nuestra visión para el futuro de la agricultura.
La comida se cultiva localmente.
El envío de alimentos a todo el mundo aumenta los costos de CO2 de la agricultura y envía nuestro dinero al extranjero. La producción y las ventas locales mantienen el dinero en la economía local, al tiempo que reducen el impacto ambiental de la agricultura.
Agricultura biodinámica en lugar de productos químicos venenosos.
La agricultura basada en productos químicos está provocando la degradación del suelo, el colapso de la biodiversidad, las malas cosechas y un costo incalculable para la salud pública. El valor nutricional de nuestros alimentos ha disminuido tanto que ya no vale la pena comerlo y está tan contaminado con productos químicos tóxicos que muchos agricultores no comen sus productos. Los alimentos cultivados orgánicamente tienen hasta un 40% más de valor nutricional y no te envenenarán mientras cenas. Si trabaja en una granja y está expuesto regularmente a venenos, ¿cuánto tiempo cree que vivirán usted y su familia?
Monocultivos o plantaciones de cultivos intercalados de alta diversidad.
Imagine cómo sería la vida si uno pudiera producir 2 o 3 veces más cultivos de la misma área de tierra con poco o ningún trabajo adicional. Las plantas no están diseñadas para crecer en bolsas aisladas, crecen mejor con la compañía adecuada. Existe una compleja red de interacciones entre diferentes especias de plantas y microbios soi, sin esa interconexión nada crece adecuadamente. Los agricultores Bio Dinámico no se enfocan en producir cultivos, solo necesitan enfocarse en mantener el suelo de mejor calidad.
La producción a granel de granjas comerciales grandes se complementa con micro agricultura en red.
Producir alimentos en el hogar o en asignaciones puede ser muy productivo. ¿Por qué comprar una lechuga en la tienda que se echará a perder en unos días cuando podría recogerla fresca de su jardín todos los días? hacer esto como parte de una red hace que este concepto sea altamente efectivo.
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