Wheat Grass | One of the best super foods of all time.
Enriched with Ocean Trace Elements & Ormus.
Wheat Grass Juice is one of the best super foods of all time.
It is jam packed with minerals, protein, amino acids and micro nutrients.
Enrich your Wheat Grass by soaking the seeds in our custom-made mineral blend.
Adding our (Wheat Grass Blend Ormus).
Insures that the seeds germinate with the maximum possible mineral content.
It is jam packed with minerals, protein, amino acids and micro nutrients.
Enrich your Wheat Grass by soaking the seeds in our custom-made mineral blend.
- Ocean derived micro trace elements (OTE) and Ormus.
- The same enrichment program can also be used for turbo charging your sprouts.
- Giving ormus to your Wheat Grass or Sprouts is the best way of getting ormus into your body...
Adding our (Wheat Grass Blend Ormus).
Insures that the seeds germinate with the maximum possible mineral content.
- Improves the taste of wheat grass.
- Increases the nutritional value.
- Increases the yield.
- The first flush of wheat grass is the best.
Containing the highest levels of minerals and nutrients. - A patch of wheat grass can be harvested 2 or 3 times.
Each time you cut the yield falls and so does the nutrient value. - Our specialized "Wheat Grass Blend Ormus" provides not only the mono-atomics but also the other trace minerals that the plant needs to maintain its vitality.
- Combined this with a liquid organic fertilizer, such as Compost Tea or Worm castings, ensures that each cut is as good as the last.
Instructions for use with Wheat grass.
- Soak seeds overnight as you would normally do, but add the following
4 ml of Wheat Grass Blend Ormus per Lt of water used for soaking seeds. - Continue to rinse and soak seeds with plain water for a further 2 or 3 days.
- Sow seeds and water in using a 5ml per Lt solution of Wheat Grass Blend Ormus.
- Irrigate with plain water from then on and harvest when ready.
- After each cutting repeat the application of Wheat Grass Blend Ormus. (5ml per Lt or water)
Additional Recommendations:
We recommend that you combine each dose of ormus with a drop of worm juice or another organic liquid fertilizer to ensure that your plants have sufficient nitrogen potassium and phosphate.
To see how to make all the worm juice click here (DIY Wormery & Worm Juice.)
To see how to make all the worm juice click here (DIY Wormery & Worm Juice.)
Instructions for Growing Sprouts.
- Soak seeds overnight in a weak solution. 2 or 3 ml per Lt of water.
- Spread seeds out in your sprouting tray or box.
- Grow in a dark place for a few days, water well each day as normal for sprouts.
- Leave in the sun for 1 day before consuming.
Any unused Ormus mix can be saved from later use.
How ormus affects wheat grass and sprouts:
The abundance of Minerals and Ormus tells the seed that the soil is extremely fertile and that it is safe to expend "all" of the seeds store of nutrients and energy in one go. Growing times are the same for wheat grass grown with and without Ormus but the quality and quantity of second and third cuts improves noticeable. This is exactly what one wants when growing hi quality wheat grass.
- As all experienced wheat grass growers know.
To sustain the plant's growth it is essential to use a substrate with a fast nutrient release rate, as after the seed has expended its reserves it begins drawing from the soil / growing medium. - Our specially designed (Wheat Grass Blend Ormus) has been modified and enriched so that it soaks into the growing medium and is instantly available to the plant.
- It also has a lower PH than standard ormus and contains a full spread of "normal" minerals.